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PASC Executive Committee 61
More details to be made available closer to the date
Find out more »PASC AGM 2019 – Wellington, New Zealand
The 42nd PASC Annual General Meeting will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Wellington, New Zealand in April 2019. For more details and registration, please visit the event website: http://pasc2019.co.nz/
Find out more »PASC SC 58
The upcoming PASC EC 58 meeting will be held on 20 September (Wednesday) from 1930 to 2100 hrs in Berlin, Germany at Meeting Room 0104a-d of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN’s headquarters which is 3 min walking distance from Intercontinental Hotel). The joint PASC-COPANT reception will be held just before the PASC EC 58 meeting, from 1800 to 1930 hrs, at the foyer in front of Meeting Room 0104a-d.
Find out more »PASC AGM 2018 – Okayama City, Japan
The 41st Pacific Area Standards Congress Annual General Meeting will be held in Okayama, Japan from 15-18 May 2018. For details on the Program for the week, including the agenda, networking time, workshop details, social events and more, visit the event website: http://pasc2018.jsa.or.jp/ Registration for the PASC week and specific event details are all available online. For additional information, please contact the PASC Secretariat at [email protected] PASC 41 Agenda:
Find out more »PASC Executive Committee 55 Meeting
Proposed Agenda Items for EC 55, 12 September (Monday) 1930 to 2100 hrs a. Opening (5 min) b. Adoption of Agenda (5 min) c. Discussion on Joint PASC-COPANT AGM by SCC (25 min) d. Update on Priority Projects for 2016-2017 under the PASC-Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (30 min) a. WG1Communication b. WG2 Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement c. WG3 Capacity Building and Trade Facilitation e. PASC Action Plan updates (5 min) f. PASC Website Functionality by Standards Australia (5 min) g. Date…
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