PASC and PASC members rely on people to show leadership & enthusiasm & organizations to provide the resources to achieve goals and strategy. Meritorious Service Award recognizes these contributions.
The PASC Standing Committee, in its meetings since PASC XXVII in Vancouver, has discussed how individuals or organizations that make an outstanding contribution to PASC can be recognized.
As a voluntary organization PASC, and PASC members rely heavily on people in key positions to show leadership and enthusiasm to take PASC forward and organizations to provide the resources to achieve goals and strategy. As a result it was decided to introduce a Meritorious Award to recognize these contributions in an enduring way.
The criteria for the award are:-
Participation in standardization
The individual or organisations involvement in standardization, commitment and personal effort, overall attitudes towards the standards process and industry, consumer and government benefit. Promotes the benefits of standardization and effectively promotes PASC at national, regional and international levels.
Length of service
- The contribution made by the individual or organization to PASC over an extensive period of time.
- Attendance and contribution at PASC meetings:
- Active attendance and contributions to PASC meetings.
International involvement
Active attendance at international meetings (e.g. ISO/IEC), participation in governance committees of PASC, ISO, IEC, etc, involvement in strategic standardization, participation in international standards development.
The 2019 Meritorious Award was presented to Mr Adrian O’Connell from Standards Australia for his exceptional contributions and leadership as PASC EC Chair from 2014-2019

Mr Hiroo Wakai
The 2018 PASC Meritorius Award was awarded to Mr Hiroo Wakai for his outstanding contribution to the promotion of regional standardization.
We congratulate Mr Wakai on his exceptional leadership in the standards world and applaud him for this significant personal contribution.
Mr John Walter
PASC members unanimously supported Mr John Walter as the recipient of the 2017 PASC Meritorious Award. The award has been given to recognise John’s significant contributions to PASC for many years, especially his leadership and guidance in the formulation of the PASC Strategic Plan for 2016 -2020 and PASC’s inputs to the development of the ISO Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020. He has also been instrumental in establishing a closer working relationship between PASC and ISO in his role as ISO VP for Policy as well as establishing a stronger partnership between PASC and COPANT in the last three years.
Mr Colin Blair
This award recognizes the significant contribution and leadership made by Mr Colin Blair to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) during his time as Executive Committee Chair from 2010 to 2013 and Australia’s PASC representative for the same period. As Executive Committee Chair for PASC Mr Blair ensured that PASC activities were well organized and effective. Mr Blair worked energetically to support international standardization strongly supporting Asia-Pacific participation in this process.
Mr Blair has served the international standardization community as a valued member of ISO Council and as Chair of the ISO Technical Advisory Group on Building. And when in PASC, for his inclusiveness, ensuring as many PASC members as possible participated in all discussions, for his engaging personality and kindness in working with all members to achieve what was best for PASC, for his excellent representation of PASC at several APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) meetings, reaching out to the other Specialist Regional Bodies to ensure a commonality of positions where it mattered, and for his kindness to all members, his generosity of spirit and an innate goodness to all, Colin’s contribution is highly respected and valued by all PASC members.
Mr Juichi Nagano
This award recognizes the significant contribution of Mr Juichi Nagano to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) during his time as Secretary for PASC from 2008 ‚Äî 2013 and Japan’s PASC representative for the same period. As Secretary for PASC Mr Nagano ensured that PASC activities were well organized and effective. Mr Nagano worked tirelessly to support international standardization strongly supporting Asia-Pacific participation in this process. Juichi is a staunch advocate for the Asia-Pacific members of ISO and IEC and has worked to energetically promote the Asia-Pacific voice in international standardization. Mr Nagano has served the international standardization community as Secretary of ISO’s Conformity Assessment Committee (CASCO) and as a valued member of the ISO’s Technical Management Board (TMB). Juichi‚Äôs contribution is highly respected and valued by all PASC participant members.
Mr Shi Baoquan
This award recognises the significant contribution of Mr Shi Baoquan to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) during his time as China’s PASC representative 1998 ‚Äì 2010. Mr Shi Baoquan worked to strengthen communications with PASC members to tirelessly promote PASC activities in regional and international standardization. Mr Shi Baoquan chaired PASC in 2008 providing capable and strong leadership which was highly appreciated by participant members.
Mr Michel Bourassa
This award is presented in recognition of the significant contribution made by Michel Bourassa to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) during his time as Canada’s representative to PASC from 2004-2010.
Mr Bourassa’s extensive knowledge of standardization and advice on issues are well regarded by PASC members as are his insights into the important relationships between ISO and IEC. Mr Bourassa has actively contributed over many years to both the IEC Standardization Management Board and the ISO Technical Management Board, and his contributions to these forums have helped strengthen standardization in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Mr Gary Kushnier
This award is presented is presented in recognition of significant contributions to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling PASC to attain the objectives for which it was founded.
Mr. Kushnier’s deep knowledge of standardization, his thoughtful presentation of issues and advice, and his openness to others makes him a great person to have as an ambassador for PASC. As Chair of the PASC Standing Committee (now Executive Committee) he has provided the ‘bridge’ between successive PASC Chairs and hosts of the annual meeting, and made the work of PASC far more energetic, focussed and relevant to key partners and stakeholders in the region and at the international level.
As a direct result of Mr. Kushnier’s character and skill, PASC is seen as an organization to talk to and to get things done, and has a high level of respect from the other Specialist Regional Bodies, the APEC Subcommittee on Standards and Conformance, the APEC Business Advisory Council, as well as PASC members and delegates to PASC meetings.
Mr Rob Steele
This award is presented in recognition of significant contributions to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling PASC to attain the objectives for which it was founded.
As PASC Secretary, Mr Steele was a driving force behind PASC leadership of a newly forged cooperation between the Asia Pacific Specialist Regional Bodies for standardization, accreditation and metrology.
Significantly, Mr Steele’s actions built and fortified bridges between the Asia Pacific voluntary standardization community, to facilitate global and regional trade, regulatory compliance, and ultimately improve quality of life. For all of his tireless contributions to and for the region, Mr Steele was awarded the PASC Meritorious Service award in April 2007.

Professor Masami Tanaka
This award is presented in recognition of significant contributions to the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and demonstrated outstanding service in enabling PASC to attain the objectives for which it was founded. The Inaugural PASC Meritorious Service Award for 2005 is presented to Professor Masami Tanaka for his outstanding work for PASC as PASC Standing Committee (SC) Chair from 1995 to 2000 and for his tireless work in standardization at national, regional and international levels.
Professor Tanaka has been involved with standardization policy as a member of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) since 1991. He served as Secretary General of JISC in his capacity as Director General of the Standards Department of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), since reorganized as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). From 1995 to 2000, he chaired the PASC SC and actively participated in the APEC Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC).
Professor Tanaka, a citizen from Japan, is the current ISO President having previously contributed to standardization activities in the ISO and IEC arenas and to cooperation with foreign countries, in particular as a Council Member of ISO.